Ananda Namaste Regular
Ananda Namaste Regular is a Regular TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 201516 times. 672 users have given the font a rating of 4.63 out of 5.
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Ananda Namaste is a font designed by Ananda K. Maharjan. This font is widely used in designing T-Shirts and Tattoos. It adopts its script from Devanagari Sanskrit Script. You can find similar hindi fonts however, Ananda Namaste is the designer's first choice when it comes to designing a sanskrit script in a cool and funky way. Furthmore, its quality is really good and the finishing done by the Designer in overall design of the font is awesome, which makes it extra ordinary in the race of cool hindi fonts. If you want to create professional powerpoint templates, using this font - you can create that as well. This font is supported in PowerPoint Presentations too.
We also offer a Brief Set of Character Map, where you can understand the overall workflow of this font. One can use this character Map as a Manual to type special character in this hindi font.
Font Information
Font Name |
Ananda Namaste Regular
Font Style |
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Font Embedding |
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Number of Glyphs |
Font File Size |
32.6 KB
Total Downloads |
Font Rating |
Character Map