Himalayabold Regular
Himalayabold Regular is a Regular TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 18812 times. 0 users have given the font a rating of 0.0 out of 5.
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Himalayabold Regular is a font from Hindi fonts. It is a Regular TrueType Font. This font is mostly preferred by tattoo artists for their unique designs. And it is used by blog writers for writing scripts. This font can be found in posters, hoarding boards, and many more.
You can preview the character map below and download the Font for your use. It is free of cost.
Font Information
Font Name |
Himalayabold Regular
Font Style |
Font Type |
Font Embedding |
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Number of Glyphs |
Font File Size |
24.6 KB
Total Downloads |
Font Rating |
Character Map