Mangal Regular
Mangal Regular is a Regular TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 1291504 times. 5516 users have given the font a rating of 4.51 out of 5.
Before downloading Mangal Regular , you can preview how your desired text looks like by using our "Enter Your Text To Preview" Feature.
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Mangal Regular is a popular hindi font which is a OpenType font for the Indic script - Devanagari developed by Microsoft. Mangal Regular is available in fonts and typefaces under font library in Microsoft docs. It is based on Unicode, and contains TrueType outlines and has been designed for use as a UI font. It was initially released with the release of Windows Server 2003, however it is available now across other operating systems like Android, Linux and Mac OS. You can also use this hindi font in your PowerPoint Presentations as well. It is compatible with any verision of windows office application. Latest version of his popular hindi font Mangal was released with Windows 10. It is available in different styles and weights ranging from regular to bold.
Before downloading, you can preview how your desired text looks like by using our "Enter Your Text To Preview" Feature. This feature helps in making our users have a clear-cut understanding on what kind of hindi-fonts they are downloading and how their text will look like.
As this is a Unicode font, you need to type in unicode characters to view the preview of the font. For example, "जो होने वाला है वो होकर ही रहता है और जो नहीं होने वाला वह कभी नहीं होता". If you can't see this text, please install Mangal font in your Computer / Smartphone / Tablet. You can also use our romanized english to hindi converter to write in Unicode Hindi.
Font Information
Font Name |
Mangal Regular
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Number of Glyphs |
Font File Size |
77.3 KB
Total Downloads |
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Character Map